Manufacturing (Plastics / Steel / Cement / Pharma)

Manufacturing (Plastics / Steel / Cement / Pharma)

Manufacturing is the process of producing goods using labor, machines, tools, and chemical or biological processes. It is a vital part of the secondary sector of the economy, where raw materials from the primary sector are transformed into finished products. These products can either be used by other manufacturers to create more complex items, like automobiles or household appliances, or sold directly to consumers through wholesalers and retailers.

Manufacturing engineering focuses on the steps that convert raw materials into final products, starting with product design and material specifications. Modern manufacturing involves multiple intermediate processes for integrating various components into the final product. This sector is closely connected with engineering and industrial design, playing a significant role in industries like semiconductor and steel manufacturing, where processes are referred to as fabrication.

JD Manpower Consultancy plays a crucial role in recruiting skilled professionals and offering workforce solutions to meet the growing demand in the manufacturing sector.

We provide manpower to in these countries:
Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.

We provide candidates for the various job openings in this industry like :

  • Production operation / Technicians
  • Sales / Marketing
  • Admin / HR
  • Finance / Accounts
  • Advertising / PR
  • Purchase / Logistics
  • IT
  • Maintenance Department
  • Export Department
  • Top Management